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As far as we know, the Front Range UNIX Users Group (FRUUG) has been
the longest-running UNIX user group in the world. Born in 1981 as
the Boulder Users Group (BUG), the group's original purpose was
to be a resource for those of us with UNIX source licenses and no source
of support for fixing bugs, a need to personally network in order
to get our systems talking via UUCP, and of course the unspoken
benefit of being able to check out each others' places of employment.
During the 1990s, the group evolved into more of an emerging
technologies user group, covering topics including the Internet,
Java programming language, Linux, BSD, email, spam, and security.
Many of these topics spawned new user groups of their own, many
of which are listed on our "other groups" page. And just about
any topic appropriate for our group has an Addison-Wesley or
O'Reilly book dedicated to the topic.
Since the beginning of this century, our meeting pace has slackened,
partly due to a lack of fantastic and exciting new technologies
that we had seen through the 1990s, but also due to a slowing
in interest and volunteer help. Steve Gaede helped to revive
FRUUG after one slow period in 1984, and has served as the chief
coordinator ever since. In the past few years, Steve has been focusing
more on his own business and family, and his time has been tight
for setting up meetings, writing up announcements, notes on
previous meetings, and the other attention the group needs.
For now, until such time as a new crop of volunteers wishes
to pitch in or take over the group, we're going to officially
enter a quiet phase. The Web site will continue to be up,
and Steve may yet get around to posting the years of meeting
announcements that were sent out in U.S. Mail prior to
the existence of the Web site. We'll keep your email address
on file should the group start up at some point, but for
now the email signup/change form has been turned off.
We've had several joint meetings recently with the
Front Range OpenSolaris User Group
and we suggest that you check them
out at www.frosug.org. Also check out the Boulder Linux User
Thanks to everyone who helped make FRUUG a success for so long:
"Hack and Patch" (Dick Hackathorn and Rick Patch) for starting BUG
The many speakers who gave talks that were informative, sometimes
inspiring, and often a lot of fun as well
Steve Gaede, for leading the group for so long
The "executive committee" lunch-bunch who found and vetted the
speakers, and searched out new technologies needing to be presented
Our publishers who have always been willing to lend a hand with new books
And last but not least, the FRUUG members who made FRUUG
a helpful and stimulating community of software folks along the Front Range
of the Colorado Rockies for the last 27 years.
Remember that your FRUUG membership still entitles you to up to 35 percent
on your book orders from
Addison Wesley/Prentice Hall,
IBM Press,
O'Reilly Media,
New Riders,
No Starch,
PC Publishing,
Pragmatic Bookshelf,
Sams Publishing,
SitePoint, and
refer to the FRUUG Web site library page for details.
Last Modified: Sunday, 15-Feb-2009 15:12:18 MST