FRUUG - Front Range Unix Users Group
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Xen, Paravirtualization, and Solaris

At our April, 2006 joint meeting with the Front Range Open Solaris Users Group, co-sponsored by the CU Computer Science Department, Stu Maybee of Sun Microsystems discussed the University of Cambridge's Xen hypervisor software. Stu discussed the distinction between hypervisors that provide full virtualization, where the OS doesn't know that its running in a virtual machine environment, and paravirtualization, where the operating system is modified to run in the virtual machine environment. With the operating system aware of the environment in which it's running, the hypervisor doesn't have to play as many virtualization tricks, and therefore the overall performance should be better than in a fully virtualized environment.

Stu's presentation slides are here (672K pdf).

Site Map Recruiter Info
February 15, 2009

February 2008: FRUUG Enters Quiescent Phase
After 27 years running, we're suspending operations.

Future Meetings:
None planned

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Lone Eagle Systems, Inc.,
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