Cndnsd Vrsn: 4 PM Thursday October 11th ACS Room 123- VMWare & Win4Lin: Windows on Linux
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group (FRUUG) will be held at
4:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 11th.
Despite their best intentions to use only open source applications, many
Linux users (even the dedicated ones!) have a regular need to run
Windows applications. For example, it is difficult to find a Linux
office suite that properly reads all Microsoft Office files. (It is hard
to hit a moving target!) Also, Linux does not yet offer a
personal/small business accounting package with all of the features of
Quicken, including downloading credit card and investment transactions.
So, at least for now, many Linux users still need to run a few Windows
If you don't have the budget or space for multiple computers in your
office/home, the usual solution is to partition your PC's disk, and dual
boot Windows and Linux. However, using a dual boot PC can be painful
because of the time you waste shutting down one operating system, and
rebooting another operating system. Fortunately, there are Linux
programs that allow a Linux user to run Microsoft Windows applications
while simultaneously running Linux. Joe VanAndel will present a brief
overview and demonstrations of VMware
(www.vmware.com) and Win4Lin
Joe VanAndel is a software engineer at NCAR, who writes programs that
process data produced by weather radars. In addition to serving on the
FRUUG executive committee, his interests include the Python programming
language, Linux, bicycling, and racquetball.
This meeting will be in room 123 of
the CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in
Boulder. Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is
on the southwest corner.
Notes and resources from our past meetings are available at
Meetings that we are planning for the next few months
include the following:
Managing your Storage Area Network
Home Automation for the do-it-yourselfer and the
off-the-shelfer (December 5).
DNS Update
Our meeting on Sun's Jxta Peer-to-Peer technologies has
been postponed indefinitely due to the events of September 11.
One option is to hold the meeting by speakerphone and
show the presentation slides in the meeting room.
Do you think this would work? Would you come? Let us
know your opinion by e-mailing fruug at fruug.org.
Softpro books has donated a $20 gift certificate for
a lucky FRUUG member; they're at Baseline and Foothills
in Boulder. Enter the drawing at
It's been a while since our last meeting, so we have quite
the selection of new additions to the FRUUG library from
our publisher friends, including:
From Addison Wesley:
Building Imaging Applications With Java Technology, by Lawrence H. Rodrigues
- Building Parsers with Java, by Steven John Metsker
- Effective Java Programming Language Guide, by Joshua Bloch
- Inside Servlets, Second Edition, Server-Side Programming for the Java Platform, by Dustin R. Callaway
- J2EE Technology in Practice, Building Business Applications with the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Editino, by Rick Cattell, et. al.
- Java.rmi, The Remote Method Invocation Guide, by Esond Pitt and Kathleen McNiff
- Java Enterprise Programming with IBM Websphere, by Kyle Brown, et. al.
- The Jiro Technology Programmer's Guide and Federated Management Architecture, by Paul Monday and William Connor
- The Linux Companion for System Administrators, Second Edition, by Jochen Hein
- The Practice of System and Network Administration, by Thomas Limoncelli and Christine Hogan
- The Practical SQL Handbook, Using SQL Variants, by Judith S. Bowman, Sandra L. Emerson, and Marcy Darnovsky
- Software Fundamentals, Collected Papers by David L. Parnas
- The Tini Specification and Developer's Guide, by Don Loomis, with
foreward by FRUUG's own Tom Cargill
From O'Reilly & Associates:
- Essential SNMP, by Doublas R. Mauro and Kevin J. Schmidt
- Java Cookbook, Solutions and Examples for Java Developers, by Ian F. Darwin
- Java Security, Writing and Deploying Secure Applications, by Scott Oaks
- Learning Perl, 2nd Edition, by Randal Schwartz and Tom Christiansen
- Peer-to-Peer, Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies, edited by Andy Oram
- Programming Web Services with XML-RPC, by Simon St. Laurent, Joe Johnston, & Ed Dumbill
- Server Load Balancing, by Tony Bourke
- Web Caching, Reducing Network Traffic, by Duane Wessels
From The USENIX Association:
- Proceedings of the 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, June 2001
- FREENIX Track Proceedings from the 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, June 2001
You may check out books using your business card as your library card;
you must be on the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the
meeting following the one in which they are checked out.
Remember that your FRUUG membership entitles you to
discounts on your book orders
from both New Riders Publishing and O'Reilly & Associates; refer
to the FRUUG Web site for details.