-- Cndnsd Vrsn: 4:00 Monday April 12 ACS Room 123 - Larry Wall, Probably Perl
We just got word that Larry Wall, the creator of the Perl programming
language, is in town-- and he's agreed to speak to FRUUG on the subject
of his choosing. Given the short notice for this meeting, we're
giving Larry the weekend to decide on a specific topic :-) No doubt
he'll have one by Monday, and it will probably be related to the
past, present, or future of Perl-- or something completely different.
Larry's personal Web page is located at
http://www.wall.org/~larry/, and
Perl information can be found throughout the Web, as well as at:
This meeting will be at 4:00 PM Monday April 12 in room 123
of the CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine
Streets in Boulder. Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the
Computing Center is on the southwest corner. Please refer
to the
map that appears later on this page if you
need one.
Also check below for information about Bill Joy's talk
on Thursday, April 15, and Joe VanAndel's talk on ZOPE coming
up April 29.
REGULAR MEETING -- Cndnsd Vrsn: 4:00 Thursday April 29 ACS Room 123 - ZOPE and
The April meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be held at 4:00
P.M. on Thursday April 29.
The Z Object Publishing Environment (ZOPE - http://www.zope.org) is an open source web application platform
written mostly in Python (with some extensions written in C for speed).
It competes with products like Cold Fusion, Silverstream, and Netscape
Application Server. Zope has an integrated object database and can also
access several relational databases. ZOPE's object publishing system
converts a URL to a method call of a ZOPE object, which provides a very
powerful and flexible application architecture. The object database
supports "sessions" that allow new content to be developed on the "live"
server without being publically visible until it is "released". The object
database also supports a powerful "undo" facility which can backout any
change, restoring a previous version of the web site. Zope is managed
"thru-the-web", without requiring telnet or rlogin access to the server.
ZOPE offers customizable security, giving password controlled access to
various portions of your ZOPE web site.
Joe will demonstrate some applications built with ZOPE, including a FAQ
application and a query interface to a MySQL (http://www.tcx.se) database.
Joe VanAndel has been working as a software engineer for the past 20 years.
After graduating from UC Berkeley, he worked at AT&T Bell Labs on
Oryx/Pecos, a real-time operating system. Following that, he had his
"Boulder Startup Company" experience at Cadnetix Corporation, doing
operating system development and developing design automation tools for the
electronics industry. For the past 10 years, Joe has worked at the
National Center for Atmospheric Research. He has worked on data
acquisition and control systems for weather radars and on data quality
improvements for the National Weather Service "NEXRAD" radars.
Joe has been involved in the WWW for a number of years. Starting in 1993,
he helped setup the Atmospheric Technology Division Web server at NCAR. In
1994, he helped Centennial Middle School publish the world's first middle
school student newspaper on the Web.
For the last few years, he's been using the Python language for data
analysis, database interfaces, and web applications.
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123 of
the CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in
Boulder. Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is
on the southwest corner.
Bill Joy will be speaking at CU on April 15th at 2pm, Math 100 lecture
hall, corner of Folsom and Colorado. Forget parking and take the Hop
there, with stops right across the street.
Those of you visiting the FRUUG Web site recently will notice
that we've moved to the cozy new location of simply
Please update your links to point to
our new simplified URL. The FRUUG Web site is now being hosted
by Steve Gaede and
Lone Eagle Systems Inc.
At our March meeting, SUN Microsystems introduced their JINI technology.
Have a visit to our previous meetings page
for more info.
We have several additions to the FRUUG library this month,
Removing the Spam, Email Processing and Filtering ,
by Geoff Mulligan, courtesy of Addison-Wesley
The Java Developers Almanac 1999
by Patrick Chan, courtesy of Addison-Wesley
Apache, the Definitive Guide
by Ben Laurie and Peter Laurie, courtesy of O'Reilly and Associates
Programming Web Graphics with Perl & GNU Software
by Shawn Wallace, courtesy of O'Reilly and Associates
Mr. Bunny's Big Cup o'Java by Carlton Egremont,
draft copy courtesy of Addison-Wesley.
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you
must be on the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the
following the one in which they are checked out. If you don't
return your library books by the next meeting, you might find
yourself on our overdue book list.
We count on you returning books on time so that other members
may have the chance to use them as well.
Remember that your FRUUG membership entitles you to 20% off
books from O'Reilly & Associates when ordered through their
toll-free number, (800) 998-9938. Mention discount code DSUG.
Last Updated: 7 April 1999
Problems? Contact
webmaster at fruug.org