The Cndnsd Vrsn: 4pm Tuesday December 16 ACS Rm 123 - A Practical Approach to Software Internationalization
The object of this talk is to help software engineers develop a methodology to drastically reduce the cost of internationalization and localization of applications. Creating a global market presence by simply customizing, converting products separately for each target territory - locale, is typically very expensive and time consuming. This brute-force approach carries a heavy cost of creating multiple product versions, each requiring separate maintenance and support.
The state-of-the-art approach breaks globalization into two steps. A sub-system level analysis of the components and third party software helps decide target encapsulation objects. In the first step, application is designed and implemented as locale neutral , with all locale sensitive data separated from the application, and the application capable of operation in multiple locales. At this stage, light weight encapsulation objects are created that help ensure that the application is I18N safe. This prevents revisit of the entire application code later. The step 2 presents the actual application tailoring for a specific locale. Locale sensitive data, such as text, formats and layouts are translated into the target locale, and product is re-tested and released. Only the step 2 is repeated for each target locale, sharing the same product core, resulting in a single product maintenance and support.
The U.S. share of the global computing market will decline from 56% in 1985 to 28% in 2000. Any significant commercial software product will have to be globalized. If you don't currently have customers demanding globalized software, perform step 1 now. This can be done at about 10% extra cost and will save you 90% of the cost later. Ideas will be shared on a few easy tools that you can write to recover your investment quickly.
The speaker, Sunil Prakash, is the President of Global Software Focus, Inc. GSF is involved in both consulting on internationalization of software as well as the development of a tool set to assist in software internationalization.
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123 of the
CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in Boulder.
Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is on the southwest corner.
At the November meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group
we had a panel of speakers sharing their experiences
with the free Apache web server.
We gave away copies of O'Reilly's Apache: The Definitive Guidealong with the companion CD-ROM, and we have one for the library.
See the previous meetings page on the Fruug web site for more detail.
January: We're working on a CORBA talk to follow-up from October. This meeting will probably be the last week of January.
Contact the FRUUG Executive Committee at
fruug at
if you have other interesting topic ideas or are interested in presenting a fruug talk.
O'Reilly sent us five copies of Apache: The Definitive Guidealong with the companion CD-ROM, four of which we raffled off at the meeting and one is in the library.
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you
must be on the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the meeting
following the one in which they are checked out. If you don't
return your library books by the next meeting, you might find
yourself on our overdue book list.
We count on you returning books on time so that other members
may have the chance to use them as well.
Last Updated: 25 November 1997.
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webmaster at