The Cndnsd Vrsn: 4pm Thursday December 12 ACS Rm 123 -
UNIX Bigot's Reaction to NT
At the December 12th meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group Joe
VanAndel will give a talk on a UNIX Bigot's Reaction to NT. The meeting
will be at 4:00 MST.
This talk will briefly describe Windows NT, which is a 32 bit,
multiprocessor, portable, operating system. Windows NT is starting to
become fairly popular in the marketplace because it runs on (high-end) PC
hardware, runs many Windows 95 programs, and provides many useful
features such a networking, fully graphical admistration tools.
Joe will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of developing
applications for Windows NT from the point of view of an experienced
Unix programmer.
Joe VanAndel received a BS in mathematics and physics from Calvin College,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1978. He obtained a MS in computer science
from University of California at Berkeley, specializing in operating
systems. After working for AT&T Bell Laboratories on Oryx/Pecos, a real-time
distributed operating system used for telephony applications, he worked
at Cadnetix on their proprietary operating system, ported Berkeley Unix
to the Cadnetix hardware, and wrote semi-custom chip design software.
He presently works at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, where
he works on data acquisition systems and radar control systems.
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123 of the
CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in
Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is on the
At our last meeting Bill Meine introdeced and demonstrated a new kind of
desktop device
called a Network Computer, a desktop computer exposing a Java Virtual
Machine to host Java applications.
See the previous meetings page on the Fruug web
site for more detail on past meetings.
We are planning the following future meetings:
- For January we are working on putting together a meeting addressing
DNS, Bind and Internet name space issues.
- For February we are planning to have Geoff Thompson present a talk on
The Java AWT and Event Model.
- We are looking for someone to do a presentation on the Be-Box.
Contact the FRUUG Executive Committee at
if you have other interesting topic ideas or are interested in presenting a
fruug talk.
We have no new books for the FRUUG library this month, but are
interested in ideas for what to do with the aging books we're carrying
around in the library.
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you
must be on
the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the meeting
following the one in
which they are checked out.
Last Updated: 1 December 1996.
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