Old Hand Summary: 4pm Thursday April 18 ACS Rm 123 - Web Setup Experiences
At the next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group we will have
two speakers talk about web site setup.
Pete Siemsen
will talk about his experience with WebMaker,
a program that converts FrameMaker
documents into HTML. It's cheap (99$), it converts everything, and it does
a better job than similar programs, including the one built into FrameMaker.
Using it, you can make high quality printed documents, with tables of contents,
indexes, figures, cross-references, etc., and have the same information
appear on the World Wide Web. FrameMaker users can create decent Web pages
without having to learn HTML.
He'll discuss how the program works, how it evolved, some known bugs,
and the ramifications of using it as a documentation standard. He will
supply printed copies of the NCAR network
group's book ,
authored using the system. He will also show how the equivalent Web pages
produced by WebMaker look. Pete Siemsen is a Network Engineer at NCAR.
Bryan Buus will
describe his experiences in getting together a successful web server running
Netscape's Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). He'll run down the key application
process and the installation process for both the Netscape
Commerce server and the
Apache SSL server.
Bryan Buus is the Manager of Web Services at XOR
Network Engineering in Boulder Colorado, where he manages and develops
their Web hosting product, aXXess(tm).
He regularly instructs classes about managing Web services for companies
such as CERFnet and Hewlett Packard's PSO division. Before coming to XOR,
Bryan kickstarted O'Reilly & Associate's online efforts in 1992. He
received his Master's degree from Boston University in Computer Science,
specializing in Internet information services. He is a coauthor of Managing
Internet Information Services, published by O'Reilly
and Associates.
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123 of the
CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in Boulder.
Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is on the southwest
At our January and February meetings,
Tom Cargill gave a short, in-depth technical tour of the JAVA programming language.
If you are looking for further Java training, Tom Cargill will be presenting a
one-day Java technical overview at CU
on Saturday April 20th. In June, and in the fall, he will be presenting a 6 session (once a week) Java Programming class at CU. For more information contact CU Division of Continuing Education at 492-5148 regarding course CCA330(April 20) or CACS 446(summer).
Additionally, Tom presents on-site Java training through
.profile Consulting Inc., (303) 499-5940.
We are working on the following future meetings:
- We are looking for someone to do a presentation on the Be-Box.
Contact the FRUUG Executive Committee at
fruug at fruuug.org
if you know anyone who is able to participate.
This month we'd like to thank the USENIX Association for donating a copy of the USENIX 1996 Annual Technical Conference Proceedings.
We'd also like to thank Addison-Wesley for the following books:
- Active Java, Object-Oriented Programming for the World Wide Web
- TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3 which covers TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the UNIX Domain Protocols
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you must be on
the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the meeting following the one in
which they are checked out.
Last Updated: 7 April 1996.
Problems? Contact
webmaster at fruug.org