Old Hand Summary: 4pm Wednesday December 6 ACS Rm 123 - NFS
- This month's meeting
- Meeting Location
- Last month's meeting
- Upcoming meetings
- Call for participation: JAVA
- Library Notes
- Job Fair Announcement
The November meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will look at NFS
performance tuning, real world issues, and NFS V3.0.
Although the LADDIS NFS benchmark measures both throughput and response
time, most people focus almost exclusively on throughput. This is
unfortunate, because in real-world configurations, response time is an
important limit to total server throughput, along with more commonly
recognized limits such as network bandwidth and the number of disk spindles
Dave will also address disk striping, network environments, NFS metrics on
the performance of NFS servers, as well as new features of the NFS V3
product and how it will impact current environments.
Dave Hitz is co-founder and director of system architecture at Network
Appliance Corporation, which builds NFS file server appliances. Dave's focus
at Network Appliance has been on designing and implementing the Network
Appliance file system, and on the overall design of the Network Appliance
NFS file server. He also worked at Auspex Systems in the file system group,
and at MIPS in the System V kernel group. Other jobs and hobbies have
included herding cattle, pen-based computer programming, modern primitive
art, and typing names onto Blue Shield Insurance cards. After dropping out
of high school, he attended George Washington University, Swarthmore
College, Deep Springs College, and finally Princeton University where he
received his computer science BSE in 1986.
The December meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123
of the CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets
in Boulder at 4:00 PM on Thursday November 16, 1995. Marine St intersects
Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is on the southwest corner.
At our November 16 meeting, Stan Bush of from CU introduced ISDN, Tom Wilson
and Ron Miller from U S WEST talked about ISDN deployment and upcoming
tariff issues, and Hank Latham (Colorado SuperNet) and Bill Gibson (Niwot
Networks) discussed some of their experiences using ISDN.
Bill Gibson's humorous guide on how to order ISDN, and on the
importance of making friends with your installer is available in
PostScript and Acrobat formats.
Ron Miller pointed to a Web page from U S WEST that will query based
on your phone number and tell you whether you are in an area where ISDN
service is available.
Members of the audience pointed out the existence of Dan Kegel's ISDN
Page, which has a wealth of pointers to ISDN information, as well as
Jim Bryce's page relating to his book "Special Edition, Using ISDN."
See the FRUUG web site for live links to the info mentioned above.
We are working on the following potential meetings:
January 17: Tom Cargill will introduce the JAVA programming language
giving us a preview of his day long Java seminar at CU on Jan 27th.
We are planning a January meeting on the Java programming language, going
deeper into the details than was possible in James Gosling's talk in June.
If you are using Java and would like to give a short presentation of your
experience, please contact Tom Cargill at cargill@csn.org.
No new books this month!
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you
must be on the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the
meeting following the one in which they are checked out.
The Colorado Technical Recruiters' Network (CTRN) will host a career fair
targeting information technology professionals with at least 2 years
experience. The event will be on January 9, 1996, at the Marriott Denver
Tech Center, 4900 S. Syracuse Way, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and again
from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Those who cannot attend, but who are interested in submitting a resume for
distribution to all attending companies, can either fax it to (303) 369-0623
or mail it to CTRN, P.O. Box 440783, Aurora, CO 80044-0783. Resumes must be
received before January 9th.
If you want more information, we will have flyers at the FRUUG meeting and
if CTRN has a web page we'll set up a pointer to it from the FRUUG web page.