With the largest concentration of members in
Boulder, FRUUG membership extends along the Front
Range of the Rocky Mountains from Colorado
Springs to Fort Collins. Our members include a wide
spectrum of technical people with a common interest
in the UNIX system.
FRUUG's long history
began in April 1981 with the founding of
the Boulder Users' Group (BUG)-- which makes the group
one of the most long-lasting ones around.
20th birthday
is celebrated during 2001 with a retrospective on some past meetings.
There are currently around
350 members, and around 80 attend
the monthly meetings.
If you'd like to become a member or update your membership information, you need to fill out our
membership form.
We meet about once a month. Our meetings
have many different styles, always with a technical
focus. FRUUG does not provide a platform for
companies to give sales pitches. Many of the meetings
are oriented around talks given by speakers located
(or collared) by FRUUG's executive committee members. Often
these speakers are members of FRUUG themselves.
We generally meet at the CU Academic Computing Center
at the southwest corner of Arapahoe and Marine (at 38th)
streets in Boulder, usually around 4pm. The 4pm time
is chosen because we are a group for professionals whose
job it is to stay current with the latest trends in technology;
historically most people have preferred the late-afternoon
time and find that they're able to leave work early one day
per month. (We've tried evening times and had a big drop-off
in attendance). Our meeting
dates are set depending on speaker availability.
current meeting announcement
is available on our Web site.
At all meetings, we try to provide an atmosphere for meeting other
members of the local technical community. We have
been very successful in developing a program that
is strongly technical in nature while providing
valuable exposure to the range of open system
We sometimes manage to get copies of interesting
slides, documents, and software from our speakers; you can
peruse our collection of
notes from past meetings
for pointers to speakers' materials and other sources on our site and elsewhere
on the Internet.
FRUUG is not affiliated with any company or national
user group, nor does it exist as an incorporated
entity. Part of being an informal group is that we
don't have officers or even a bank account. The
group is operated by volunteers and is supported
by resources donated by the organizations hosting
FRUUG provides hosting organizations with a
technically astute audience
and exposure to a variety of professionals along the
Front Range. Organizations also support FRUUG by
providing time and resources such as computers, copies,
meeting rooms, etc.
Your FRUUG Executive Committee at lunch at Rudi's.
Back row: Neal McBurnett, Bill Meine, Steve Gaede, Carol Meier, Mark Carlson.
Front row: Tom Cargill, Barb Dijker, Joe VanAndel
Not shown: Dick Dunn, Wally Wedel
FRUUG is coordinated by whoever volunteers (or is
recruited!) to help do the work. The FRUUG executive
committee meets over lunch once a month to come
up with meeting topics and make meeting plans.
We all have real jobs of one sort or another, so please
bring your general UNIX questions to the next FRUUG
meeting; we usually don't have time to answer e-mail questions
like "why doesn't my printer work when it's attached to
a parallel port on such-and-such a system."
The Executive Committee currently consists of:
Tom Cargill,
.profile Consulting,
Mark Carlson,
Sun Microsystems,
Barb Dijker,
Dick Dunn,
Talisman Farms
Sam Falkner,
Sun Microsystems,
Steve Gaede,
Lone Eagle Systems,
Neal McBurnett,
Internet 2,
Carol Meier,
.profile Consulting,
Bill Meine,
Sun Microsystems,
Joe VanAndel,
National Center for Atmostpheric Research (NCAR),
Wally Wedel
Lisa Week
Sun Microsystems.
Each member of the executive committee
helps with arranging the monthly meetings, and
some have special responsibilities:
Steve Gaede serves as the general coordinator,
handling the Web site, meeting announcements, and other
activities that hold the group together.
Dick Dunn handles the mailing list.
FRUUG is an active organization because interested
people get involved with coordinating and hosting
the meetings. Anyone can volunteer to host a meeting,
become a member of the executive committee, or simply
offer to help out now and then.