Cndnsd Vrsn: 4 PM Thursday February 15th ACS Room 123- Legal
Constraints on Netizens
After a bit of a lapse since our last meeting, the
next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be held at 4:00
P.M. on Thursday February 15th.
It is increasingly the case, especially as the Internet gains
increasing attention among lawyers, that the rights of developers and
users are being affected. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act has
been construed to not only prevent people from reverse engineering
technology and freely sharing the results, but even from including
relevant hyperlinks on their web pages. The success of Napster at
allowing individuals to find and share copyrighed music from the big
record labels has threatened the ability of emerging artists from
using the same technology to promote their work. Giant corporations
like Hasbro are claiming ownership of words like "Clue" in the context
of ".com".
Thankfully, in this case the courts have ruled that Hasbro doesn't
have a clue, or at least this particular clue. We'll hear reports
from Eric Robison of clue.com about his successful defense of his
domain name, legal opinions from Carl Oppedahl about Intellectual
Property Rights, and rantings from Neal McBurnett about the freedom to
develop and share your own work in the spirit of the Constitution's
actual language on the subject. Bring your questions for the panel
and we'll have a great time as always.
DVD for Linux et al (DeCSS) - Reverse-engineered version of DVD CSS
(Content Scrambling System)
DeCSS Central
Gallery of CSS Descramblers - excellent exposition of techniques for
communicating and hiding information via the Internet et.al (text,
pictures, MIDI, steganography, from DVD-CCA's own DNS servers! ...):
See also: http://decss.zoy.org/
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA):
Napster and peer-to-peer networking:
League for Programming Freedom (patents, user-interface copyrights):
Clue.com's legal battle:
Considerations for innocent domain name owners:
This meeting will be in room 123 of
the CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in
Boulder. Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is
on the southwest corner.
Notes and resources from our other past meetings are available at
Tune into this page for notes and URLs from our last meeting on intrusion
We're working on a lot of ideas that have not yet congealed into a
March meeting.
We've had an awesome set of book contributions from our
publisher friends over the few months
that we haven't managed to pull a meeting together, so be sure
to check out the following titles:
>From Addison Wesley:
- The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide, by Ted Mittelstaedt
- E-Directories, Enterprise Software, Solutions, and Services, by
Daniel House, Timothy Hahn, Louis Mauget, and Richard Daugherty
- Function Point Analysis; Measurement Practices for Successful Software
Projects, by David Garmus and David Herron
- OSPF Complete Implementation, by John T. Moy
- PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging, Second Edition, by James
- Programming Ruby, the Pgragmatic Programmer's Guide, by David Thomas and
Andrew Hunt
- Planning Extreme Programming, by Kent Beck and Martin Fowler
- Extreme Programming Installed, by Ron Jeffries, Ann Anderson, and Chet
- The Korn Shell, Third Edition, by Anatole Olczak
>From New Riders:
- The Solaris 8 Essential Reference, by John P. Mulligan
- Inside XML, by Steven Holzner
- Intrusion Detection, by Rebecca Bace
>From O'Reilly & Associates:
- Java Performance Tuning, by Jack Shirazi
- Java Examples in a Nutshell, with lots of sample Java code, by David
- Network Printing, by Todd Radermacher and Matthew Gast
>From Prentice Hall:
- Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 1: Principles, Protocols, and
- Architecture, by Douglas Comer
>Thanks to Evi Nemeth and Prentice Hall, we have:
- UNIX System Administration Handbook, Third Edition, by Evi Nemeth,
Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, and Trent Hein. Be sure to check
out this fine reference guide from our local friends and frequent
FRUUG presenters Evi and Trent.
>From SAGE we have the entire "Short Topics in System Administration"
series, including:
- Education and Training System Administrators, A Survey, by David Kuncicky
and Bruce Alan Wynn
- A Guide to Developing Computing Policy Documents, edited by Barb Dijker
- Hiring System Administrators, by Gretchen Phillips
- A System Administrator's Guide to Auditing, by Geoff Halprin
- System Security, a Management Perspective, by David L. Oppenheimer, David
A. Wanger, and Michele D. Crabb
>And, from the USENIX Association:
- First Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software, San Diego,
October 2000
- Proceedings of the 3rd Large Installation System Administration of
Windows NT/2000 Conference, Seattle, August 2000
- 4th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2000),
San Diego, October 2000
- 4th USENIX Windows Systems Symposium, Seattle, August 2000
- Proceedings of the 4th Annual Linux Showcase & Conference, Atlanta,
- Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Security Symposium, Denver, August 2000
You may check out books using your business card as your library card;
you must be on the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the
meeting following the one in which they are checked out.
Remember that your FRUUG membership entitles you to
discounts on your book orders
from both New Riders Publishing and O'Reilly & Associates; refer to the FRUUG Web
site for details.