Cndnsd Vrsn: 4 PM Thursday February 24 ACS Room 123-- SPAM
The February meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be held at
4:00 P.M. on Thursday February 24.
Just when you thought you've had enough of it...
The next FRUUG meeting is on spam. Barb Dijker will talk about what it
is, how to identify it, how to prevent it, and how to filter it. Most
importantly, she'll will tell you what NOT to do. The focus will be on
the more well-known email variety, not USENET spam.
Barb Dijker has been fighting and analyzing spam for many years as a
consultant and principal in two local ISPs. She's given talks on spam
around the globe and has served as an expert witness in a legal case involving
This meeting will be in room 123 of
the CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in
Boulder. Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is
on the southwest corner.
Notes and resources from our other past meetings are available at
Please check in for a writeup on our last meeting on Sun's Jiro
initiative soon.
In March, we're planning a meeting on the upcoming
new release of the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND)
and other changes to DNS.
In our haste to get out last month's meeting announcement,
Steve discovered a few more books that we've received that
we failed to announce:
Essential System Requirements, by Bill Wiley, courtesy of
Addison Wesley
Java in a Nutshell, by David Flanagan, courtesy of O'Reilly
Python Essential Reference, by David M. Beazley, courtesy
of New Riders Publishing
13th Systems Administration, 2nd Conference on Domain-Specific
Languages, and 2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies
and Systems, all proceedings courtesy of the USENIX Association.
You may check books out using your business card as your library card;
you must be on the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the
meeting following the one in which they are checked out.
We have recently updated our
overdue book list; please make
sure that, if we list your name, it's not in error.
We count on you returning books on time so that other members
may have the chance to use them as well.
Remember that your FRUUG membership entitles you to 20% off
books from O'Reilly & Associates when ordered through their
toll-free number, (800) 998-9938. Mention discount code DSUG.
Last Updated: February 15, 2000
Problems? Contact our webmaster at fruug.org.