At our May meeting,
Evi Nemeth of the University of Colorado faculty discussed the
measurement and characterization of Internet traffic.
MCI and CAIDA (Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis)
have dedicated passive measurement boxes (OXcMONS's) on the MCI
backbone and at key exchange points. Evi's talk summarized the data
seen on these networks including protocol distributions, packet sizes,
flow characteristics, network and AS matrices, etc. She presented
data from an active measurement tool, skitter, that has been
used to probe the Internet at about 30,000 key server hosts.
The data gave FRUUG members a feel
a feel for the traffic on the Internet and changes in that
traffic over the last couple of years.
Evi presented her material literally the day before leaving for
an indefinite period of world travels, so she presented whatever
viewgraphs she happened to have laying around in her car-- the
result of which is that we have none to post, as beautiful and
interesting as her presentation was. Some of the materials she
discussed is available on the CAIDA web site,