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September, 1997: Java Internationalization

Dr. Bruce Haddon described the intended support capabilities of internationalization in the Java JDK 1.1 release. In his talk, these capabilities were described. The extent to which these met the needs of internationalization was examined, and evaluated from the points of view of the use of these capabilities by programmers, and the support that is given to subsequent localization. The Resource Bundle mechanism was extensively described, as well as the interaction of this with the support of Locales in the AWT, but other areas in the JDK 1.1 pertinent to internationalization were also surveyed. Bruce showed a page of code that the JDK requires to fetch a single label for a button, as well as clues as to how you could perform the same functions with a well thought-out class that manages most of this for you.

Dr. Bruce K. Haddon is Senior Technologist with Redcape Software, Inc., a Boulder start-up innovating and licensing Policy Management technology, developing a reference implementation of the technology in Java. Bruce has been involved with internationalization and localization issues for a decade and a half, has worked in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, France and the US, and is beginning to feel he understands a little Java after a year's use.

The Java Internationalization slides are available at:

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