Short Hand Summary: 4pm Monday August 12 ACS Rm 123 - Inferno
At the August 12th meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group Rob Pike from Bell Labs will talk about Inferno. The meeting will be at 4:00.
Inferno(tm) is a new network operating system and programming environment to deliver content in a rich environment of heterogenous networks, clients and servers. The Inferno system includes the Inferno kernel, the Limbo(tm) programming language, reference APIs that include interfaces for networking and graphics, network protocols, security and authentication, and various toolkits. Inferno was developed by members of the Computing Sciences Research Center of Bell Laboratories, the research arm of Lucent Technologies.
Rob Pike is a master of the cryptic biography.
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123 of the
CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in Boulder.
Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is on the southwest
It's time for our annual
mailing list cleanup.
If you're
a FRUUG member and haven't been to a meeting in the last
year, we'll be removing your name from the mailing list
unless we hear from you. If you think you're one of
those people, you might want to see if you're on
the list.
At our July meeting Tom LaStrange presented Java Management API's.
We are looking for speakers on the following topics for future meetings:
- We are looking for someone to do a presentation on the Be-Box.
- Do you have experience with setting up Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, or any of the other UNIX systems available for the IBM PC architecture? If so, we'd like to hear from you. There's been a lot of interest in hearing what the choices are for UNIX on cheap platforms (i.e., PCs), and we'd like to put together a panel session with short (15-minute) talks on each of the possibilities available today.
Contact the FRUUG Executive Committee at
fruug at fruug.org
if you are interested in participating.
Addison Wesley made several contributions to the FRUUG library, with the following titles:
- The Java Programming Language
- The Java Application Programming Interface, Volume 1 (Core
Packages), and Volume 2 (Window Toolkit and Applets)
- How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site, one copy of which
we gave away at the April meeting.
- The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System
O'Reilly & Associates also made three donations this month:
- Java in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick Reference Guide for Java Programmers
- Managing Internet Information Services, covering the World Wide Web, Gopher, FTP, and more. Bryan Buus, one of the speakers at our April meeting, is a co-author of this book.
- CGI Programming on the World Wide Web
O'Reilly has donated an extra copy of Managing Internet Information Services, which we give away at the July meeting. The winner was Brandon Taylor! We also gave away a Managing Internet Information Services T-shirt, and a 4.4 BSD Operating System T-shirt from Addison Wesley. Six lucky attendees also came away with Java caps brought by our speaker, Tom LaStrange.
The USENIX association has donated us a copy of the proceedings of the Second Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS); this conference took place in Toronto in June.
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you must be on
the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the meeting following the one in
which they are checked out.
Last Updated: 26 July 1996.
Problems? Contact webmaster at fruug.org