Old Hand Summary: 4pm Wednesday January 17 ACS Rm 123 - JAVA
At the next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group
Tom Cargill will introduce the
programming language. James Gosling's presentation at the June FRUUG meeting motivated the Java programming language, particularly by demonstrating how to create active content in Web pages. This talk will dig much deeper into the programming language per se, and its implementation.
Although Java's syntax draws much from C++, its design philosophy and implementation differ significantly. The underlying memory model of Java's virtual machine is unlike that of C/C++. Most of Java's type system relies on static compile-time analysis, but it also includes mechanisms for dynamic binding and dynamic loading of classes. Java source text is stored in collections of text files, but its compilation model uses multi-pass iterative analysis. The virtual machine instruction set, which provides Java's portability, is superficially familiar, but achieves better than expected performance by rewriting the compiled byte-code instructions on the fly.
Members who are already using Java are encouraged to attend and give brief experience reports.
Tom Cargill
is an independent consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. His long and illustrious C++ career notwithstanding, he has been using Java for the last 6 months.
If this talk whets your appetite for Java, Tom will be presenting day long Java seminar at CU on Saturday Jan. 27th. For more information contact CU Division of Continuing Education at 492-5148 regarding course CCA330.
The next meeting of the Front Range UNIX Users Group will be in room 123 of the
CU Academic Computing Center building at Arapahoe and Marine Streets in Boulder.
Marine St intersects Arapahoe at 38th St; the Computing Center is on the southwest
At our December 6 meeting, Dave Hitz of
Network Appliance gave us a presentation on the history of NFS
and some of the latest implementation details and protocol changes.
Dave then went into an explanation of the appliance market and detailed
some of the difficulties in creating a new market for "filer" appliances.
He also gave us some good insight into the innards of his product including
the software based RAID4 and Write Anywhere File Layout (WAFL) filesystem.
Dave, along with some other folks, has written a USENIX paper called:
"NFS Version 3 Design and Implementation".
We are working on the following future meetings:
- OOPS! We've run out! Contact the FRUUG Executive Committee at
fruug at fruug.org
if you have any ideas!
No new books this month!
You may check books out using your business card as your library card; you must be on
the membership list to check books out. Books are due at the meeting following the one in
which they are checked out.
The Colorado Technical Recruiters' Network (CTRN) will host a career fair targeting
information technology professionals with at least 2 years experience.
The event will be on January 9, 1996, at the Marriott
Denver Tech Center, 4900 S. Syracuse Way, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
and again from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Those who cannot attend, but who are interested in submitting a resume for distribution to
all attending companies, can either fax it to (303) 369-0923 or mail it to
CTRN, P.O. Box 440783, Aurora, CO 80044-0783.
Resumes must be received before January 9th.
If you want more information, there is an announcement on the
homepage of Online Career Center
listed under their headline news.
Last Updated: 15 December 1995.
Problems? Contact our webmaster at fruug.org